Thursday, November 20, 2008

Finding Casual Sex Partners

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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Sleeping With A Friend

Billy Crystal was right. Well not Crystal precisely, but his character in When Harry Met Sally. He said the reason men and women can’t be friends is "because the sex part always gets in the way." Think of all your female friendships; chances are it started off because one of you was attracted enough to the other to strike up a conversation. When it’s obvious from the beginning that there is no chance romantically, the relationship evolves platonically. However, sometimes friends end up doing all the same things as lovers; late-night phone calls, dinner dates, movie nights on the couch, and then, sex.

Now the deed is done. Sex is the elephant in the room. With sex comes feelings, emotions and, possibly, regret. You want to keep your relationship on the friendship level, but there is a possibility she'll want more. So, how do you remain pals and nothing more?

Here is a simple plan for the days, weeks and months that follow your jump from friend to lover. Make sure to follow these steps in order, keep on course and the game of friendship should remain as strong as it was before the sexual timeout.

The morning after

It’s the morning after and you wake up in bed together. If it’s a weekday, making a clean break shouldn’t be a problem because you both have to get to work. Once you get into the office, wait about an hour and shoot her an e-mail joking about the previous evening’s events, and then immediately switch topics. You must acknowledge it occurred so she doesn’t feel used, but you shouldn’t dwell on it or she'll think it’s something more than it was -- a simple one-time event. Don’t let the talk dip into the dirty regions either. Don’t use a pet name or nickname. Give her back her underwear. Act like a friend. Unless you traded undies as friends, then by all means, carry on.

If it’s a weekend, the split could be trickier than a 7-10 in slippery bowling shoes. You must not extend the day into an afternoon of antiquing and small talk over iced coffee. But, don’t go for the obvious "I have things to do" excuse because she probably knows your life better than you do. Casually mention things you have to take care of in a solo mission; the gym she doesn’t belong to, going to the office to finish some work or a trip to see the parents. Make plans to hang out that week in a friendly situation, something you’ve done together many times before you danced the horizontal mambo so she knows this wasn’t a hit-and-run.

A week after

Some time has passed and it’s time for the next step. An important move to ensure you remain friends after sex is not to sleep together again. Lord knows it will be tempting and possibly available. One time is a mistake in a moment of attraction; two or more times appear as something much bigger. The first step is to stop thinking of her in that way -- or in that position. Fall back into the friendship. Keep everything as normal as possible. If you always talk after The Hills, make sure you talk after The Hills (then ask a close male friend to punch you in the throat for watching The Hills in the first place). If you grab coffee before work, keep your coffee meeting. The point is not to change the typical friend routine.

It’s important not to do anything that could be misinterpreted. If you have an upcoming event that involves a date, don’t bring her along. Always introduce her to strangers as your "good friend." Don’t get jealous if she happens to mention another guy or if she gets hit on in your presence. Don’t make inside jokes about the night you shared. And stop picturing her in that position.

Months after

It’s important in this step to begin to talk about other women, even if there really aren’t any other women to speak of. Mention that a female coworker asked you out or drop hints that a woman at the gym is giving you bedroom eyes. Ask her about other guys too. See how she reacts. If she goes right back to criticizing your taste in women and encourages you to make a move, it looks like you're in the clear.

Also, don’t disappear on her. Sure, it’s easy to run from an uncomfortable situation, but then were you really a friend to begin with? The topic of your night of bumping uglies will eventually come up. It’s on her mind (only every minute of the day since it happened) and it’s crossed your mind too. Talk it out. She may be just as uninterested in turning it into a relationship as you are. You could have been just a quickie for her too. Be honest and tell her how you feel.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Conversation Topics That Lead To Sex

Most will argue that the most difficult step in securing a lovely vixen for the evening is the approach, but veterans realize the ensuing discussion is just as -- if not more -- intimidating. The obstacle in question is a logical one, but one that typically goes unnoticed by the untrained: as she is indeed a perfect stranger, her likes and dislikes remain a mystery. Feeling around in the dark for her favorite topics of conversation can be both challenging and risky, especially if your goal for the night centers on the loss of that hot cocktail dress. Conversations that lead to sex are launching platforms and work toward altering her mindset to match yours. If executed correctly, she’ll want to finish the discussion early and move on to more physical relations.

Favorite foods
It may sound like a ho-hum topic, but like most other seemingly innocuous pieces of advice the Player has at his disposal, it’s an effective means to an end. It’s up to you to broach the conversation, but once it’s going, the direction of the discussion should be clear: you’re in a club or bar, which likely doesn’t feature any of her favorite foods. Perhaps she has a weakness for authentic Chinese food (none of that over-fried meat Americans think is Chinese food)? And yep, you know just where to get some. Clearly, the goal is to separate her from the current location; get her alone and the rest should take care of itself. Better yet, if you’re not a bad cook and she mentions something doable, you could always insist on making it for her. Don’t suggest it for that night (that's too transparent), but how about next weekend?

If you have a passion, flaunt it
There’s one thing that’s beginning to fall by the wayside, and women seem to be especially in tune to this lacking. For some reason, ambition and motivation appears to be at an all-time low amongst the 20-somethings out there, which means if you have a particular passion, flaunt it. Here’s one universal rule: women find passionate men attractive. If you are passionate about your work or your favorite hobby, there’s a damn good chance you inject that amount of emotional force into other aspects of your life. It doesn’t have to be anything sexy or even remotely feminine in nature; you could be a total gearhead, or maybe your passion is something like camping. Don’t talk her ear off; just get a little animated and get that sparkle in your eye. She’ll take notice, and she’ll want to learn more about you.

This may seem too forward, but you’ll want to be covert in establishing this particular conversation topic that leads to sex. You don’t want to be detailed or graphic, and you certainly don’t want to get personal too early. These approaches will lead to a collapse of the conversation, which you can easily spot by examining her body language. She’ll start to draw away, her eyes will shift, her answers will be abrupt and clipped, and obviously, she’s seconds from bailing. However, you can avoid this if you have a humorous story that only indirectly ties in with sex, or you can try delving into the more intellectual and societal aspects of the topic. You could talk about the constantly changing night scene, how different women have drastically different viewpoints on the subject and you should do it all without risking the scary, creepy guy label. Just be light and casual, and be ready with an easy laugh.

Something taboo
Depending on the type of woman sitting next to you, you could try something taboo in an effort to seal the deal with no wasted words. However, before trying this, you need to establish a safe base of operations; you have to feel around to see if she’ll be receptive. The wrong woman can send a drink up your nose if you’re not careful, so take a few minutes to make the correct assessment. Once you’ve done this, and you think she’ll respond to your taboo topics with a sly grin and a wink, you can select from any number of sexy subjects. Perhaps it can be something simple, like the concept of “friends with benefits” (always a Player favorite), or you can launch into a more exotic tact that consists of threesomes, role-playing and fantasies. Again, though, do what you can to keep it light. If she latches on, the heat will indefinitely arrive later.

Conversation topics that lead to sex rely heavily on your ability to begin and carry a discussion, so that’s paramount. Regardless of the chosen topic, you need to be engaging, affable and, in the end, desirable. Obviously, not all women will respond in the same way, but with the preceding ideas, you should be able to spark a conversation that doesn’t officially end until the next morning.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Top Ten of Signs She's Flirting

Flirting is an important behavior that is both complex and fundamental. Everyone in the world, at some point in their lives will need to acquaint themselves with the art of flirtation if they want to experience the pleasures of the opposite sex. While there are mountains of advice to guide men on how to flirt effectively, that’s only half the story.

Men must also be able to recognize the signs she's flirting. While any one of these visual cues taken alone often won't constitute a green light, a combination of multiple flirtatious cues should pique your interest.

So, we've decided to lay down some distinct signs she's flirting with you, so you can recognize the bait she's laid for your affections. Women can sometimes be hard to read, but if you're armed with a guide to signs she's flirting, then you're already one step ahead.

Sign #1 : She smiles

When a woman has an interest in you, her smile can hold your attention from across a crowded room and it is definitely one of the major signs she's flirting. It takes an effort on her part to do so, so if she’s exerting this kind of effort, engage in her flirting by returning the smile.

Sign #2 : She keeps walking by

If it seems like she continues to walk by with apparently no sense of why she’s there, she’s there for you. She’s trying to get you to notice her with this obvious sign she's flirting, and you need to say something endearing. By walking past repeatedly, perhaps out of her way, she’s giving you a sense that she wants your attention, but she's making you work for it.

Sign #3 : She draws attention to her mouth

A woman’s mouth can be extremely seductive, and she’s fully aware of this fact. Some of the effective signs she's flirting will have her applying lip gloss, running her finger across her lip or using the straw in her cocktail instead of just sipping from the glass. There is a tremendous amount of flirtatious energy tied up in a woman’s lips. Lips are flirting tools that are both potent and effective.

Sign #4 : She isolates herself

If, after having made eye contact, she strays from her pack, then she’s trying to flirt with you. Women know that the most difficult defense for a man to penetrate is her wall of friends and well-wishers. If she’s specifically removing herself from that fortress then this is one of the sure signs she's flirting and letting you know she’s lowering her defensive barriers to let you in.

Sign #5 : She mimics your body movements

For some reason, when human beings are interested or infatuated with each other, they begin to pick up certain traits from the other person. If she’s mimicking your mannerisms -- the way you hold a drink or the way you’re sitting -- she may very well be interested in gaining your attention and is giving you solid signs she's flirting. Imitation is a rather high form of flattery, after all.

Sign #6 : She plays with her hair

While relatively simple and commonplace, in the right hands a woman's hair is a versatile weapon. When trying to get your attention, she may twirl her hair in her fingers or let it cascade in front of one eye, adding a sense of come-hither mystery to her persona.

Sign #7 : She touches you

The slight touch that sends chills up both your spines and makes your hair stand on end is one of the hallmark signs she's flirting. When she reaches out and lightly touches your forearm or shoulder, hand or wrist, you know you have a live one. You need to reciprocate because there are few clearer signs she can provide.

Sign #8 : She makes eye contact

It has been said that the eyes are the windows to the soul, and that through the eyes truth can be gleamed. Eye contact is a sign of confidence and trust. She’s stating that she is not interested in games and that her intentions are straightforward. The duration of the eye contact is proportional to her level of initial interest.

Sign #9 : She enters your personal space

Personal space, by definition, is where others are not. When a woman enters this space, say, brushing past you with a glance and a smile, she’s inviting a response with this sure sign she's flirting. The caliber and character of her invasion will give you cues as to how you should respond.

Sign #10 : She approaches you to talk

Her approach may be closely tied to No. 2, but this cue takes it a step further. Cutting through any game she may be playing, her approach and specific engagement by speaking is playing her strongest flirting card. It allows her, while speaking to you, to maintain eye contact, play with her hair, lightly touch you, and mimic your mannerisms among other flirting techniques. If she’s come over to talk to you, she wants to know what you’re all about. It’s the first step in an interview process called dating.

While it may not seem like it to the average man, women flirt and spend as much time obsessing over their actions as their male counterparts. Since that’s the case, it would behoove any man to not only hone his own flirting skills, but sharpen his observational skills as well.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Top 10 Hookup Websites

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Saturday, November 15, 2008

City Wave's Dream Girl Gallery - Anne Hathaway

Anne Jacqueline Hathaway (born November 12, 1982) is an American actress. She made her acting debut in the 1999 television series Get Real, but her first prominent role was in Disney's family comedy The Princess Diaries (2001) starring opposite Julie Andrews, which established her career.
She continued to appear in family films over the next three years, with lead roles in Ella Enchanted and The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement in 2004. Hathaway would later venture away from the "G-rated" image her early acting career bestowed upon her, starring in the adult-themed films Havoc and Brokeback Mountain. She later starred in The Devil Wears Prada (2006) opposite Meryl Streep, Becoming Jane (2007), in which she portrays Jane Austen, and Get Smart (2008) opposite Steve Carell.
Her acting style has been compared to that of Judy Garland and Audrey Hepburn and she cites Hepburn as her favorite actress and Streep as her idol. People magazine named her one of 2001's breakthrough stars and in 2006 she was listed as one of the world’s 50 Most Beautiful People.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Make Oral Sex Easy for HER

Going down is generally not a woman’s favorite part of sex, but it is often what a guy wants most. Your girl probably has plenty of excuses to avoid giving you head, most of them valid. So how can you make it easier and more pleasurable for her to give you a little oral action?

Mr. Clean

The most important thing you can do to make her more comfortable exploring your nether regions with her tongue is to clean yourself up. You may have had a shower in the morning, but by the time the evening rolls around you’ve likely used the bathroom a few times and perspired a bit, so it probably doesn’t smell or taste very good down there. For a longer and more enthusiastic oral sex session, make a point of washing up right before it begins. To avoid spoiling the mood, you could incorporate a mutual bath or shower into your foreplay.Don’t forget to keep yourself neat and trimmed down below. She doesn’t want to have to hack through a jungle of hair to get to the goods.

Get comfy

The location and position you place yourself in can make a huge difference in both your level of enjoyment and her comfort. You may like the idea of standing while she kneels in front of you, but eventually your knees are going to get wobbly and hers will start to hurt from being on the hard surface of the floor. So if you want the act to last longer and if you want to make oral sex easy for her, make sure you’re both relaxed and comfortable; the best position would probably be to have you on your back in bed while she kneels or lies beside you.

Prepare the taste

The majority of women prefer not to swallow semen, but your girlfriend may be persuaded if you make an effort to make your spunk taste better. A vegetarian diet is the best way to make your taste milder. If you’re not ready to go meatless, try eating foods like kiwi, watermelon, pineapple, and celery to lighten the taste. Make your semen taste sweeter by incorporating plums, blueberries and cranberries into your diet. Beer and coffee will make you taste bitter and dairy products can produce putrid tastes.

Sweeten the situation

If she still can’t take the taste, try covering it up! Use sweet and sexy foods as part your sex play. Any girl with a sweet tooth will enjoy licking chocolate sauce, whipped cream or other decadent foods off any and all parts of your body.

Don’t force it

Don’t push her head down to your crotch to indicate that you want oral sex. If she’s not going down there on her own, try telling her how much you’d like to feel her tongue on you. If she still doesn’t get the hint, just ask for what you want. Let her take control of the situation and keep your hands off her head, both of which will make oral sex easy for her. Forcing her into deep-throating or gagging her on purpose are tacky porn-star moves (unless you’re playing a dom/sub role-playing game in which the rules are well established beforehand).

Feedback and fair warning

Positive feedback is always welcome, and will help make oral sex easy for her. Your body language and the sounds you make will give her indications of how it feels to you, but if you want something specific changed, added or avoided, you’ll have to speak up. Make sure to phrase your suggestions properly, since almost everyone is sensitive when it comes to their sexual skills. Start by pointing out what she’s doing right and then tactfully share what you want.

When you’re ready to climax, give her fair warning. Let her know just before it happens, at least until she gets to know your particular responses and can guess for herself.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

New Caterham to be Created Online by Public

In a world first, the next model to be produced by Caterham Cars will be created online by the public.

In collaboration with Project Splitwheel, the manufacturer of the legendary Seven is offering every car enthusiast - irrespective of any engineering skill, design experience or mechanical ability - a dream opportunity to design an all-new sports car.

To be part of automotive history, people can join Project Splitwheel from its dedicated website, From here, members from all over the globe are able to submit ideas and concepts for every single aspect of the new Caterham and discuss and debate them with other users, before ultimately voting on what makes it to the final vehicle.

Initial registration for this revolutionary venture is now open, with the project set to start in earnest early in 2009.

The Splitwheel website will use a combination of articles, blogs, forum discussion, a Wikipedia-style user-edited knowledge base and a comprehensive voting system to turn user input into a workable vehicle design. Along with acting as a liaison with Caterham’s engineering team, Project Splitwheel - the brainchild of automotive consultant Piers Drake, 31, from London - will also provide guidance and input from automotive industry experts as required.

Splitwheel will also factor increased environmental pressures by exploring alternative methods of propulsion, such as electric and hybrid, and crucially their desirability to drivers. Once the specification is agreed, Caterham Cars will seek to produce a prototype vehicle which could become an addition to its model range as early as 2011.

Starting from a blank sheet of paper and with very few restrictions in place, the result should be an exciting and truly unique performance vehicle.

As an added incentive to participants, Splitwheel and Caterham will offer plenty of opportunities to get ‘hands-on’, with members test driving and possibly even racing the development car.

Membership to the project is free and open to anybody passionate about performance cars.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Milestone for Digital Music Business

Digital music retailing has just gotten a lot simpler. A memorandum of understanding (MoU) signed between the recording labels and music publishers on Friday has streamlined the process of acquiring digital music rights.

Sandy Monteiro, Recording Industry Association of Malaysia (RIM) chairman said: “It is a blanket agreement between the publishers and labels to simplify the rights process.

“Prior to this MoU, a digital music retailer would have to sign about 15 different contracts with various labels and publishers from 27 different countries for the rights to a song. Now they just have to sign one,” he said.

Monteiro explained that the old way of digital retailing could take up to months on end and run up a digital retailer's legal fees. “If one legal contract is RM1,000, this could add up to quite a substantial sum,” he said.

The MoU is a step towards creating a one-stop centre for digital rights, said Monteiro.
“A bricks-and-mortar music retailer does not have to worry about whether he has the necessary rights to sell a CD. We’re trying to transfer this (kind of) simplicity into the digital world,” he said.

According to him, the record labels and publishers have been in discussion for five years and have decided to put aside all the agendas for the good of the business.

Monteiro claimed that Malaysia is the first country in South-East Asia to come up with such an initiative. “Other countries are watching us closely. The publishers and labels in Malaysia have been discussing this for years, where else most other countries haven’t even started,” he said.
This MoU not only solves the problems of the past but also opens up new frontiers for the future, Monteiro said.

According to RIM, digital music sales amounts to 25% of the music industry, with a value of RM20mil. The three major recording labels, Warner, Song BMG and Warner, are among those that signed the MoU.

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Tips on Saving Money on Your Dinner Bill

Dining out can get expensive -- especially when you have five mouths to feed. But a family's got to eat! Financial expert Farnoosh Torabi shares her advice for cutting that restaurant check in half.

BYOB: bring your own beverage. Pick up a bottle of wine at a liquor store before heading to dinner and you could save up to 100 percent of the restaurant's price on the bottle. Restaurants often mark up wine by over 100 percent. (Note: Some establishments may charge a "corkage fee," usually around $10-$15, for allowing you to bring in your own vino -- but in most cases, you'll still save.) Find the Perfect Bottle of Wine with these tips from Real Simple.

Order an appetizer. Even if appetizer portions of entrees aren't listed on the menu, restaurants may prepare them for customers. The bonus: These portions are sometimes nearly as large as the entrée plate, but a fraction of the price.
Make your meal last. Get two dinners for one price. When ordering, ask your server to pack half your plate in a doggy bag before serving you the other half. You'll have a meal to eat at home tomorrow -- and you won't be tempted to overeat today. Learn how to Transform Leftovers into Party-Perfect Cuisine.
Pay in cash. Having a drink at the bar before your meal? Bartender friends have confided to Farnoosh that credit card users often overspend by an estimated 20 percent. One reason: Throwing down a dollar in cash as a tip for each cocktail you order tends to add up to less than the average 15 to 20 percent tip on a credit card tab.
Make friends with the bartender. Freebies go to those who are friendly.