Thursday, October 23, 2008

Her Little-Girl Routine

There are times in almost every relationship when a man feels more like a parent than a partner. That's because many women retain, well into adulthood, some of the bad habits that they developed as children. Back when your wife or girlfriend was daddy's little girl, she acquired all sorts of tricks and schemes to use in her little-girl routine, which helped ensure that she always got her way. Her little-girl routine might have included tears, tantrums or baby talk.She had a series of strategies designed to manipulate father dearest, and those same strategies might, at some point, be used to manipulate you. You may think her little-girl routine is no big deal, but it's essential for guys to recognize that such childish behavior indicates neediness and must not be encouraged. Giving in to her little-girl routine now will only cause you bigger problems down the road as she becomes increasingly demanding and self-centered.

Her neediness
Neediness is the foundation of her little-girl routine. Initially, it might seem flattering when she calls you five times a day, but most guys know that this aspect of her little-girl routine gets old quickly.Neediness, as it relates to her little-girl routine, goes something like this: Whenever you're not around she tells you she's "lonely," and when you are around, she wants your undivided attention. You might convince yourself that she really does "need" you, but don't be fooled.The truth about neediness is that it’s a kind of selfishness; it indicates that she doesn't really care about you, your desires or your responsibilities. She's only thinking about herself.Deal with her little-girl routine: Set boundaries and stick to them: See her on Friday and have a boys' night out on Saturday. Have dinner with her on Tuesday and work late on Wednesday. Good girlfriends don't guilt trip. If she makes you feel guilty for every second you're not taking care of her, give your relationship a time-out.

Her tantrums
Every woman screams and yells occasionally, but a tantrum is different than your average female freak-out. A woman throwing a tantrum is entirely unreasonable and almost completely inconsolable, which is why we’ve classified it as part of her little-girl routine. She'll go nuclear over the smallest things and she'll appear to have no control over her emotions. She might even say hurtful things or tell you she hates you. Tantrums have one purpose: To make your life a living hell until you give her what she wants.Deal with her little-girl routine: Women, like children, use tantrums to get their way; therefore, the worst possible response is to cave in. You might think it's easier to give in than to put up with her screaming, but if you show her that screaming gets her what she wants, she'll just scream more often. Ignore tantrums at all costs.

Her crying
Women cry. We get that, but a woman working her little-girl routine will turn on the waterworks at strategic moments in order to manipulate you. Let's say you're upset with her and you need to communicate your dissatisfaction; she might use tears to get you to back off or to make you feel guilty for getting mad at her. Suddenly, instead of confronting her, you're comforting her.Deal with her little-girl routine: If she starts to cry, give her space and take a break. Tell her that you can finish your conversation once she's composed herself.

Her baby talk
Baby talk can be tricky, because it seems like a sign of intimacy. It might be funny or even adorable, but baby talk is just another aspect of her little-girl routine. It's almost impossible to have a serious conversation with her when one or both of you are talking like babies.Also, baby talk sucks all the sexual chemistry out of your relationship; her baby talk might be cute as she feeds you some birthday cake, but when she says how cute your penis is in her little-girl voice, you might end up with thoughts of pigtails and jump rope, which is a major blood-drainer.Deal with her little-girl routine: Don't initiate and don't reciprocate. While she may start the baby talk, it's important that you don't follow suit. It's trickier to cut back on baby talk once you've started, so just don't start.

Her pouting
Pouting can be the most frustrating aspect of her little-girl routine because if she doesn't get her way, she shuts down. She'll get sullen and quiet. She might abruptly cancel plans or refuse to leave the house.She deliberately makes herself unpleasant to be around as a means of punishing you for disappointing her. She might even pout in public, at a party or a club, which can be both irritating and embarrassing.Deal with her little-girl routine: Pouting must be ignored. Remember that she's trying to get attention and, specifically, she's trying to punish you for disappointing her. If she wants to be miserable, let her. You should socialize, go out and have a good time. Show her she does not dictate when you do and don't get to have fun.

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